
I cringe at the new year’s resolutions in my teenage diary – but I’m glad I made them

Before setting your goals for 2024, dig out your childhood journals, says Glenda Cooper – the wildly unrealistic expectations, and embarrassing lists of boys you intend to kiss, may, in fact, guide your adult choices and strengthen your resolve in the year ahead

Sunday 31 December 2023 13:16
<p>Damp squib: only 30 per cent of us will make a new year’s resolution for 2024 </p>

Damp squib: only 30 per cent of us will make a new year’s resolution for 2024

New Year’s Eve. The time to say goodbye to the old year and welcome in the next, armed with a glass of fizz, a lump of coal – and, of course, your 10 immaculately composed resolutions.

What? You don’t make 10? Who are these resolution-makers who won’t fully commit?

I made my first set of 10 new year resolutions as a nerdy 13-year-old with a mullet and no social life, and, while both of those aspects of my life have hopefully improved, the list of 10 has remained constant.

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